Make tags for your items. (See Tagging for details.)
- Determine price of each item and whether or not it will be discounted (we recommend to discount!); you can go ahead and write the price on the top right part of the tag; Add "ND" by the price if you do NOT want the item to go for half price during the clearance sale (the choice you make to discount or not will be reflected in each barcode). You will then have an easy way to make your list of needed barcodes, AND you will have an easy system for knowing which barcodes go on which items, according to what you wrote on the tags.
- Make a list of the barcode prices you will need, separating the "discount" prices from the "no discount"* prices. (You may use the PDF Barcode Worksheet to help make your list.) This list helps you determine your needed barcodes to order - whether you will print your own labels from home OR whether you order them and then ask us to print them for you. You may also choose to simply estimate the number of each price point you think you will need, then save any extras for future sales or make a list of any remaining price points needed!
*We recommend you choose to discount your items, which will result in more earnings for you, fewer unsold items, and spreading more blessings in our community.
*Remember, any item not picked up during stated pick up period following the regular clearance sale will be included in the Foster Family Free Shop and then donated to our wonderful local charities.
You must choose YES (to discount) or NO (no discount) when entering each barcode online regarding if you want the item to sell for 1/2 price during the clearance sale. We recommend you choose to discount your items, which will result in more earnings for you, fewer unsold items, and spreading more blessings in our community. After all, do you really want to haul it back home?
Barcodes with "No Disc" next to the price on the barcode will NOT go to 1/2 price.* Barcodes without these words WILL go for 1/2 price during the clearance sale days. We encourage you to choose to discount!
When ordering online, click "No" under "Allow Discount." Your barcode will have "No Disc" (stands for No Discount) printed as part of the barcode next to the price, so it will remain full price through the clearance sale.
TWO EASY choices!
1) Consignors are able to print their barcode stickers from home or office - MOST POPULAR - (as long as you online register for this sale before Online Deadline: 10 a.m.,February 27); if you miss this deadline, you will NOT be able to print your own) using Avery/compatible labels (label specifications follow)! If you print from home, you will not have to wait for your order to be processed, you will not have to drive to pick them up, and you can easily print all you need, all the way through drop offs! You can have them applied to your tags and be organized and ready before Drop Off time!
You still "place your barcode orders" online through your Consignor Homepage, then follow instructions to print from home. Don't forget: you MUST register to consign online for this fall sale before online registration deadline (10 a.m., February 27) to be able to print your own barcodes yourself! See black box on homepage to register.
LABEL SPECIFICATIONS: Use labels that are compatible with Avery 5160 or 8160 labels (says on the package which is appropriate for your type of printer, depending whether it's inkjet or laser). These labels come 30 to a sheet, and you can buy different quantity packages of labels (i.e., 300, 750, 1000, 3000) from Wal-Mart or any office supply store (or you can order online through those type stores, having them delivered to the store or to you); as with other tagging supplies, don't wait to the last minute, or local supplies may be depleted. Consider buying a big package and split it with a friend or save for future Marketplace sales!
Do NOT print barcodes directly onto cardstock/tags! Must use barcode stickers/labels and apply them to your tags so we can scan!
OR - OR - OR - OR:
2) If you do not have access to a printer, we will print them for you free of charge! (After you place your barcode order(s) through your Consignor Homepage by Online Deadline: 10 a.m., February 27, YOU MUST ALSO then email us and tell us the batch #(s) you want us to print, along with your name and consignor number by same deadline, BY 10 a.m., Feb. 27).
If you did NOT place your order by the Online Deadline:10 a.m., Feb. 27 AND/OR did NOT EMAIL us by that date ASKING us to print yours, we CANNOT access them from the sale location! In that case, you simply need to bring your list noting how many of each price point you need and we will quickly print them at the building!
*If It's Prior to the Sale: We have designated a barcode pickup place for consignors who want to pick up their barcode labels prior to Drop Off AND who have BOTH 1) ordered them AND 2) emailed us asking us to print theirs. (MUST HAVE DONE BOTH STEPS!) Barcode orders placed online and requested by email for us to print them (do this through your Consignor Homepage) BEFORE THE ONLINE DEADLINE may be picked up at Treasures*, 1307 Dinah Shore Blvd., Winchester, TN 37398 (directly across the street from O'Reilly's) upon notification by email reply that they are ready. Barcode pickup at Treasures begins late February and runs through February 26. After that, you must pick them up at the sale location during Drop Off and throughout the sale.)
*Treasures is open 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Tuesday through Friday, and 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Saturday (closed Sunday and Monday). NOTE: do watch for an email letting you know when your order has been printed and is ready for you to pick up!
If you want US to print your ordered barcodes, you MUST take the step to email us and ask us to - after you've submitted your barcode order through your Consignor Homepage! (Contact Us Here) Email us any batch number(s) you want us to print (these orders MUST have been placed AND your corresponding emails requesting us to print must have been received BEFORE Online Deadline: 10 a.m., Feb. 27, along with your name and consignor number. Then when we have your order(s) ready for you to pick up, we will send you an email notifying you that it's ready. In addition, an updated "status of the order" will appear on your Consignor Homepage.
*After the 10 a.m. Online Deadline on February 27 or after Drop Off begins: We will be able to print them for you at the sale location, continuing throughout the sale! No problem! Just bring a list of the barcodes you need to the sale location during drop offs (you may use our Barcoding Worksheet to help you compile your list). We cannot access batch numbers placed after the online deadline, so just bring your list. If we are printing barcodes for you at Drop Offs, you may either bring your items with you completely tagged and ready except for barcodes and apply the barcode stickers to your tags at your vehicle/outside before you bring them inside the building to be screened, OR you may choose to come pick up the barcodes, go home and apply them to your tags, and bring back your items to drop off later (recommended).
You may enter as many barcode orders as you want, but consider that there are 30 labels per sheet when you are printing on *Avery labels yourself. *(If you are using a laser printer, you will need to use Avery 5160 labels; if you are using an inkjet printer you will need to use Avery 8160 labels). Each time you submit a barcode order, it creates a "Batch #" (simply a reference number for that batch of barcodes). Note: your batch number is different from your consignor number!
NO! Use the type labels specified or have us print yours. Then apply the labels to your tags. Please don't slow down our checkout line by requiring our scanners to hand key all your tags that won't scan because you didn't follow instructions!
Keep your extras! Save any unused barcodes for future Marketplace sales, as long as not faded/clearly readable. Barcodes do not expire. You will use the same 4-digit code and password for future sales.)
No problem! You can enter as many separate barcode orders as you want. As long as you registered to consign before the Online Deadline: 10 a.m.on Feb. 27, you can print labels from home throughout the sale. We will also be able to print barcode labels at the sale location throughout the whole sale, along with registering consignors who failed to online register by the deadline.
Go to the Consignor Homepage to view and print any of your barcode label orders. Just pull up your previously entered batch # and print only the page(s) with the price points that you need! Or, you can just place a new barcode label order. (See below)
Login to your Consignor Homepage, click "Order Barcodes," and order again. Make a note of the new batch # and print. If you want us to print your barcodes labels and it's past Online Deadline: 10 a.m., Feb. 27 (past that date, you will NOT be able to place an online order for us to print; consignors who registered online before the deadline and are printing their own can still do so!), just bring your list of needed price-points to the sale building and we will print them for you there. You may use our Barcoding Worksheet, if you wish.
You must make a new tag and print a new barcode label! Do NOT cross through the printed prices or the words "No Disc" because the barcode label is coded to sell at either a discounted or a no discounted price. At checkout, the scanner will scan what is encoded in the barcode, NOT what is handwritten on or near it!* All items are sold per the barcode price!* Do NOT stick another barcode label over an older one. Make a new tag!
No worries, these letters were ONLY used by our helpers. They went away when we stopped sorting; therefore, they reveal the barcode/tag is pre-2024. If you still have some, you may still use if not faded. Remember, if an item has been through a sale, you should lower the price before bringing again. If we notice an item appearing for more than 2 sales, we will reject it.
When you click "print", a box will appear. Under "page handling" section, locate the "page scaling" drop-down box; make sure "page scaling" is set to "None". Click OK. This should correct the problem. Always a good idea to print a test page on regular paper and hold it over a sheet of labels to check for proper alignment BEFORE you print on actual labels! If you are still having trouble, contact us!
Make sure you have registered for this sale (online registrations must be done before Online Deadline: 10 a.m., February 27). Make sure you have the appropriate labels on hand (see label specifications, above) and black ink. Click "Enter Barcodes Now" at the bottom of this page to log in to your Consignor Homepage where you can enter your list and submit your order(s). Everyone submits barcodes orders this same way. Yes, even those printing from home "submit orders." Once you submit an order, you will get a batch number. You can follow the on-screen instructions to print your labels immediately, or you can login to your Consigner Homepage at a later time and select the batch number(s) you want to print. Note: always a good idea to print on a blank (test) sheet of paper first to check your printer alignment against a sheet of labels BEFORE printing on actual labels. Remember, you can repeat with subsequent orders or reprint orders as many times as you need!
If you have questions after reviewing this information, please contact Gina at or 931-308-7324. You may send texts as well.
*Remember to visit each link under the Consign tab of this website, including Schedule, Guidelines, Restock Info, Barcoding, and Tagging.