Helper sign-ups are basically laid out in 3-hour shifts. We prefer you to help AT LEAST 3 hours at a time. Discuss with Gina if these times do not work for you; Time slots may be modified to fit your schedule! There are 4 levels of helpers:
Part-time Helpers: At least 6 total hours (or just help 5 hours during one of the bonus shifts, giving you credit for 6 hours). These helpers get to early shop at 3 PM, Thursday, March 6 , AND get to early clearance shop at 3:30 PM, Thursday, March 13. (ONLY ONE PERSON/SHOPPER ADMITTED PER TICKET!)
Mid-Level Helpers: At least 12 total hours. These helpers get to early shop at 2 PM, Thursday, March 6, AND get to early clearance shop at 3 PM, Thursday, March 13. These helpers earn 75% of their sales!* (ONLY ONE PERSON/SHOPPER ADMITTED PER TICKET!) See note below.
Full-Time Helpers: At least 24 total hours. These helpers get to early shop at 6 p.m., Wednesday, March 5, AND get to clearance shop at 2:30 p.m., Thursday, March 13. These helpers earn 85% of their sales.*(ONLY ONE PERSON/SHOPPER ADMITTED PER TICKET!) See note below.
Full-Time PLUS Helpers: At least 39 total hours. These helpers get to early shop at 5 p.m., Wednesday, March 5, AND get to clearance shop at 2 p.m., on Thursday, March 13. These helpers earn 100% of their sales.* See note below.
*NOTE: This extra percentage only applies to first $500 gross sales; after that, the normal 70/30 split applies!
In addition to designating the above four levels of helpers, we implemented rules in attempt to be fair to each and every helper and to improve the early shopping experience for all: Only one person/shopper will be admitted per early shopping pass! If your spouse, adult child, mother, sister, friend, etc., wants to early shop, he or she must earn an early shopping pass by being a consignor or helper. It is fine for one person to work the helper hours "for" another person; we will need anyone helping you achieve your hours to sign our Helper Agreement when they arrive.
Exception: Nursing mothers may wear/carry non-walking infants, if necessary. For the safety of your children and for a more relaxed shopping experience for all, please arrange for childcare on this day. Tip: Bring your child's measurements and a measuring tape.
Another benefit for HELPERS: Helpers may bring their own children who are under the age of 21 for "trying on purposes," AFTER the first half hour of their specified Preview Sale time, at the time specified on admission ticket. The Helper Parent is responsible for closely supervising them! Children 21 or older must earn their own helper passes to shop the Preview Sale.
Absolutely NO piling/stashing or grouping things you want before your early shop time! Same holds true on early clearance shopping day (NO shopping may begin before your designated time).
You may click the link below to see what helper shifts are available and to sign up online beginning February 2 (and through the online deadline: 10 a.m., February 27) for any of those shifts! If you have questions, see Connect link for email and phone information. Please sign up at sale location if it's past the above stated online deadline.
We'd still love to have you!!!
Click Here To View Available Helper Shifts (beginning February 2)