Clear your clutter and earn cash! Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Keep it local. Simply register, gather your gently used items (see next section), tag them, bring them during Drop Off times, then let us do the rest! We have been conducting these sale events for 31 years (WOW!), handling the advertising, marketing, organization, etc. We attract shoppers from far and wide who are excited to buy your stuff!
Stewardship! Sustainability! Spreading blessings!
So many benefits! You will be selling to thousands of local moms/families at this sale! You don't have to risk meeting individual buyers at your home or all over town, don't have to deal with no-shows, and you get to control your pricing and avoid haggling. YOU get to shop the deals BEFORE the public, scoring you the best variety and best deals! You decide what you want to donate to local charities after the sale, further benefiting our community, AND you get your earnings by direct deposit (recommended) or mail within two weeks (likely sooner) following the sale. We believe you'll love joining with us to serve families in our community as we together strive to Pass It On!
Consignors earn 70% of their sales! Helpers may earn more! See Helpers page for details! *A $15 consignor fee will be deducted from your earnings.
All earnings will be direct deposited* (highly recommended) or mailed within two weeks following the sale (likely sooner!). Checks will NOT be available during pick up, and there will be a 2-hour non-sorted pick up period.
*Consignors bring a voided check, if possible, to Drop Off, at which time they may fill out and sign a Direct Deposit Form, allowing quicker payment and not risking check being lost in mail.
To make the process even smoother, you can also download, fill out, and print the form here (or email the completed form to us via the Connect page of this website:
Check out our great tutorial videos here to find out how to consign with Marketplace - offering tips on gathering, preparing, and pricing your items to sell!
Want to be part of this blessing-spreading opportunity, but you don't have time to tag your items? Click here SOON for details about the Valet Tagging service!