Remember to allow time* for both printing and applying any barcodes you still need (before bringing items inside for screening), AND for YOU placing your screened items on the sales floor in the correct sections! For details about Barcodes click here. If you leave before your items have been screened, your rejected items will be donated to local charities.
NOTE: Allow time for YOU to place your items on the sales floor in the correct sections after we screen them!
Exception: we will place your home decor items.
***NOTE, since 2020 and continued:***
To limit capacity in the venue at a given time, consignors dropping off Friday/Saturday will receive a "Group A ticket," enabling them to shop beginning at 5 PM, THURSDAY, March 6; consignors dropping off Monday will receive a Group B ticket," enabling them to shop beginning at 6 PM, THURSDAY, March 6.
Notice about Drop Off appointments:
Please sign up for a Drop Off appointment through your Consignor Homepage. (If it's past 10 AM on February 27, you won't be able to sign up online, and no appointment will be necessary at this point; but remember that others who did make appointments will be taken/screened first.) This will help us distribute arrivals evenly among the drop off hours to save you from potentially long waits. Appointments will be available for sign-up online while registrations are open (through 10 AM, February 27). Click "Select a Drop Off Appointment" on your Consignor Homepage to view available appointments and sign up. You can change your appointment any time while online registrations are open (until 10 AM, February 27). If you miss your scheduled appointment or you never chose one, just come when you can during the above posted hours. You may have to wait a little longer, but we will work you in as quickly as possible!
Hint: Drop off all items you have ready as early as you can.
You may always bring more another Drop-Off day! Do NOT wait until the last minute if at all possible!
Clothing must be brought in during regular Drop Off for screening before you place it on the sales floor. To save you time, have it SORTED BY GENDER AND NUMBER SIZE. Tip: Bundle each group of same size/gender items with piece of yarn, zip tie, rubber band, tape, etc. When you hang them, follow signage instructions about placing like items together (i.e., pants, long sleeves, short sleeves, sleeveless, dresses & skirts, pajamas, swimwear, etc.) Group same type non-hanging items in bags/boxes (i.e., toys in one, books in one, home items in one, baby items in one, etc.). This is to make everyone's Drop Off experience as efficient and timely as possible. Watch for emails from us with important tips prior to Drop Off !
⭐*Don't forget: YOU MUST stop to "CHECK IN" at the computer desk when you come to Drop Off! This is different than (& in addition to) registering.)⭐
*You must have a shopping pass/ticket (which you will receive when you drop off) in order to shop a helper or consignor preview sale!*
If you've never been a Marketplace Helper and early shopped, you will LOVE it! SHOP FIRST for the best selection at the best prices! We really hope you will consider this awesome opportunity; you know what they say about the early bird getting the worm!
See the Help page for details!
>> Consignors: Group A entry @5 PM, Thursday, March 6; Group B entry @6 PM (til 9 PM close); ALSO Consignors (both groups) may early clearance shop, entry @4 PM, Thursday, March 13! MUST SHOW YOUR TICKET!
*REMEMBER: Only ONE ADULT/shopper admitted per early shopping pass! If your spouse, mother, sister, friend, etc., wants to early shop, he/she must earn an early shopping pass by being a helper or consignor -- OR purchase a ticket to our Early Access Pre-Sale.
*Note to Consignors: Bring NO CHILDREN UNDER AGE OF 10 ON PREVIEW SALE DAY - Exception: Nursing mothers may wear/carry non-walking infants, if necessary. For the safety of your children and for a more relaxed shopping experience for all, please arrange for childcare of young children on this day.
Tip: Bring your children’s measurements and a measuring tape.
*IF YOU ARE A HELPER, see the Helper Info page for details about when your children may shop.
⭐Pick Up Period runs for only 2 hours,
from 3 PM until 5 PM, SATURDAY, March 15!*⭐
(This is the ONLY time for you to find/claim any of your unsold items you wish to take back home; you may pick and choose - taking some, while leaving some.)
*We encourage you to SKIP PICK UP, having priced your items to sell and marked them to be discounted for Clearance Days, likely earning you more money while clearing your clutter and blessing local families! (After all, do you REALLY want to haul stuff back home?!) Following Clearance Sale Days, any unsold items not picked up will be immediately included in the Foster Family FREE Shop (begins at 5 PM), then donated to other wonderful charities who continue passing on the blessings locally.
*All earnings will be direct deposited (recommended) or mailed within 2 weeks after the sale (likely sooner).
If using Direct Deposit, please be sure to send a voided check and fill out a Direct Deposit Form at Drop Off.
You can download, fill out, and print the form here: Direct Deposit Form
You may arrange for someone else to pick up and sign for your items during this Pick Up Period if you cannot make it.
But we will NOT have items sorted by consignor code - you or your representative will have to search for them!
Simply send a signed note with them, including your 4-digit consignor code. Your $15 consignor fee will be deducted from your earnings. ALL earnings will be direct deposited or mailed following the sale. All dates subject to change, so check back to confirm.
*Remember to visit each link under the Sell tab of this website, including Schedule, Guidelines, Restock Info, Barcoding, and Tagging.